Jeff Ayers

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Novel Threat

Readers who like their thrills with a side of romance and fans of Ally Carter should add this to their reading list.

Read-Alikes for ‘In Too Deep’ by Lee Child & Andrew Child | LibraryReads

Read-Alikes for ‘The Waiting’ by Michael Connelly | LibraryReads

The Waiting

Connelly’s name on the cover guarantees a great read; his latest is no exception. The story follows the cases methodically and realistically, and the characters continue to grow. With a TV series on Amazon Prime coming soon starring Maggie Q as Renée Ballard, this novel will generate more interest than usual.

Till Death Do Us Part

Flynn weaves a terrific tale that could easily get complicated and dubious, but she adeptly keeps everything straightforward and believable. When readers figure out a piece of the puzzle, Flynn introduces other elements to keep the pace and story continuously surprising. Pair this with First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston for the perfect book club discussion.

A World of Hurt

Readers who enjoy crime novels that are gritty and not one-sided will want to add this to their TBR piles.

The General’s Gold

This series starter from co-authors Walker (Nichelle Clarke and “Texas Ranger Faith McClellan” series) and Coffin (“Detective Byron Mysteries”) is a fun and engaging story with extraordinary characters. It’s is a perfect read for fans of Clive Cussler, especially those who enjoy his Fargo series.

Daughter of Mine

Miranda has arguably written her best book to date, and she has another guaranteed best seller on her hands.


This would make a great movie, and fans of the Bond tales and special-ops action novels should add this to their reading lists

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