James Woods Marshall

15 Articles

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The Rescuers: The Remarkable People Who Saved World Heritage

Well written, a little short, and sparsely illustrated, this is nevertheless a singular volume about an intriguing subject, narrated by an insider. Readers will feel markedly better after reading about archaeologists’, preservationists’, and the general public’s care and responsibility for preserving world heritage.

The Twilight of Bohemia: Westbeth and the Last Artists of New York

With skillful writing and a fascinating story, this book is a great example of using local history as a preview of what the world can be. A welcome addition to most libraries.

Don Drysdale: Up and In; The Life of a Dodgers Legend

This is definitely a book for readers familiar with Drysdale and fans of baseball. It’s a good story about a time gone by.

The Coit Tower Murals: New Deal Art and Political Controversy in San Francisco

More a history than an art history, this concise and well-written book smoothly follows the murals from conception to completion to their subsequent evolution into a beloved San Francisco landmark, highlighting their treatment by art critics and historians over the years. It’s beautifully illustrated with photographs of the artists and the murals in various stages of completion.

Rogues and Scholars: A History of the London Art World: 1945–2000

While Stourton steers dangerously close to overfilling the book with names and anecdotes, his brisk writing style and honest approach will win over readers. Ultimately this is a remarkable story about a bygone world, well told by an insider.

Caspar David Friedrich: Art for a New Age

This is what art history books should be like. The well-written essays are crisp and laser-focused on subjects both esoteric and concrete. The illustrations and paintings are used skillfully. The scholarship has a modern perspective but carefully respects the historical time period when the artwork was created. Given the scale and scope of the Kunsthalle show, it’s possible that exhibitions like this, and books like this, will find the necessary cultural cohesion and financial means scarce in the future.

Read-Alikes for ‘Eruption’ by Michael Crichton & James Patterson | LibraryReads


The Avant-Gardists: Artists in Revolt in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union 1917–1935

In this deeply sourced and well-illustrated volume, Scheijen’s passionate embrace of the subject matter is almost overwhelming, and sometimes the density of the narrative makes for difficult reading. This is definitely a book for readers already familiar with the topic.

Falling Rocket: James Whistler, John Ruskin, and the Battle for Modern Art

Absorbing and informative, this title is cultural history at its best.

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