Evan Anderson

49 Articles

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In the Land of Ninkasi: A History of Beer in Ancient Mesopotamia

Recommended for beer aficionados and for readers looking for an introduction to an ancient culture.

In France Profound: The Long History of a House, a Mountain Town, and a People

Best suited for fans of Allman’s work, along with readers intrigued by a little-known French town, the author’s 800-year-old house, and the book’s contemporary elements. This will appeal to readers who enjoy Martin Walker’s “Bruno, Chief of Police” mystery series as well.

Ancient Rome in Fifty Monuments

This solid, recommended, visually rich title is excellent in its depiction of temples, basilicas, forums and arches, but it does not stand alone as an introduction to ancient Rome. It’s best utilized as a supplement to more detailed and text-based histories of ancient Rome.

Populus: Living and Dying in Ancient Rome

This is an intriguing account of life in ancient Rome. General readers of Roman history that goes beyond emperors and legions will appreciate it the most.

To the Ends of the Earth: How Ancient Explorers, Scientists, and Traders Connected the World

An up-to-date, comprehensive work on ancient exploration. Highly recommended for scholarly readers, but general readers who are interested in reading titles that reevaluate when globalization began will appreciate it as well.

Sparta and the Commemoration of War

A unique interpretation of the second most popular Greek polis, but some of the utilized sources contradict each other.

A Travel Guide to the Middle Ages: The World Through Medieval Eyes

An informative and entertaining account of medieval travel that will be appreciated by readers of both popular history and travel stories. Those more interested in relics should consult Patrick J. Geary’s Furta Sacra.

The Trojan Horse and Other Stories: Ten Ancient Creatures That Make Us Human

Highly recommended for both disciples and skeptics of classics. It’s also perfect for fans of nonfiction by Natalie Haynes.

After the Nazis: The Story of Culture in West Germany

Kater’s book will appeal to social-history readers and to those interested in how societies grapple with historical atrocities.

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