Ernest Jaeger

51 Articles

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Elizabeth I and Her Enemies

Fans of the History Channel as well as readers who have devoured the novels of Philippa Gregory and Alison Weir will be equally entertained.

Parkland: Inside Building 12

Strongly recommended for public libraries, as well as education and history collections. Some of the film is graphic, and before viewing, students would need preparation, especially high school classes.

Like Any Other Kid

An important subject and a powerful film. Nothing comes easy to these young people, and nothing is sugarcoated. This presentation is eye-opening, offering a sensible alternative to juvenile incarceration; recommended for public library, law, and justice and education collections.

G Is for Gun: The Arming of Teachers in America

This film will spark much discussion especially if it were shown to combined groups of school personnel and parents or school staff and law enforcement agents. Highly recommended as a tool for beginning a rational discourse about this measure to keep schools safe.

Mister Rogers: It's You I Like


Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Two fine tributes to Fred Rogers, who worked to make life happy for millions of youngsters; enthusiastically recommended for public and classroom libraries, as well as college education, psychology, media studies, and sociology collections. Won't You Be My Neighbor? would be especially useful for beginning and advanced college students and teachers.—Ernest Jaeger, formerly with North Plainfield Schs., NJ

For Ahkeem

Recommended for its honesty and insight into black America and for Shelton's courage and maternal love. This film would also be valuable for teen audiences.

Tell Them We Are Rising: The Story of Historically Black Colleges and Universities

With a focus on the role black colleges and universities played in the development of a powerful voice for African Americans, this is recommended for advanced American history and education collections.

Most Likely To Succeed

Crucial shifts in education could result if creative, progressive school administrators, teachers, and parents view this film; highly recommended for all education collections.

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