Allison Gray

132 Articles

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The Warm Hands of Ghosts

The combination of a riveting story and excellent audio narration makes this a must-have for most libraries.

Where They Lie

This debut covers a time period and place not often seen in mysteries and will attract interest.

Battle for the Bird: Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk, and the $44 Billion Fight for Twitter’s Soul

Wagner’s access to insider sources and ability to organize and present the information in a compelling manner, combined with Taylor-Corbett’s solid narration, will generate interest.

The Princess of Las Vegas

While the mystery is somewhat underdeveloped, excellent characterizations and skillful narration will satisfy Bohjalian’s many fans.

A Fire So Wild

A satisfying debut, combining social activism, climate fiction, and engaging character studies.

If You Can’t Take the Heat: Tales of Food, Feminism, and Fury

Fans of memoirs, food critics, and bloggers will eat this one up.

The Lies You Wrote

This series opener shows potential to join the ranks of Patricia Cornwell in terms of creating compelling characters, a surprising story, and satisfyingly complicated motivations.

The Twelve Days of Murder

This twisty locked-room murder mystery will appeal to fans of Agatha Christie and other Golden Age mysteries or who enjoy murder mixed with holiday merriment.


This brief, elegiac novel is generating major buzz, so expect high demand.

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