Rachel L. Wadham

36 Articles

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Why Did I Get a B? And Other Mysteries We’re Discussing in the Faculty Lounge

For educators who yearn to see some of their own struggles and joys represented through another teacher’s eyes.

Free Speech and Liberal Education: A Plea for Intellectual Diversity and Tolerance

For higher education professionals and scholars eager to understand and confront issues of free speech suppression at colleges and universities.

Yale Needs Women: How the First Group of Girls Rewrote the Rules of an Ivy League Giant

This stunning, engaging work highlights the strength and courage of women who fought for their future against centuries of patriarchy. Perfect for readers interested in seeing how far women have come--and how far they still have yet to go.


Two Cheers for Higher Education: Why American Universities Are Stronger Than Ever

For readers looking for data-driven scholarship that deeply analyzes decades of trends in American higher education.—Rachel Wadham, Brigham Young Univ. Libs., Provo, UT

Rewiring Education: How Technology Can Unlock Every Student's Potential

For those who want to embrace a call to action to use technology and active pedagogy to change the way we approach teaching and learning.

What School Could Be: Insights and Inspiration from Teachers Across America

For creative thinkers who are willing to change education with a vision that pushes back against centuries of entrenched value systems.

Rethinking School: How To Take Charge of Your Child's Education

For parents seeking support and advice for ways to address their discontent with their children's schooling.

You, Your Child, and School: Navigate Your Way to the Best Education

For adults who are looking for ways to use schooling to help their children achieve happy, constructive lives.

The Testing Charade: Pretending To Make Schools Better

For readers who want to delve into testing-based accountability systems, why they have failed, and how educators can generate change.

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