Elizabeth Heffington

8 Articles

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The First Modern Japanese: The Life of Ishikawa Takuboku

Recommended for Japanese literature collections and any reader searching for a new poet to discover.

The Forbidden Worlds of Haruki Murakami

This is an intellectual book, but it will be easily grasped by anyone who's reading Murakami. With his ever-rising popularity in the West, it will be a solid addition to collections that hold his other titles.

Your Guide to the Jewish Holidays: From Shofar to Seder

A lighter alternative to Michael Strassfield's The Jewish Holidays, this is an excellent choice for readers new to Jewish holidays and history and anyone wishing to incorporate these meaningful celebrations into their own lives.

Being Both: Embracing Two Religions in One Interfaith Family

Miller's enthusiasm and exhilaration at the prospect of a new generation of interfaith Americans "healing the world" is cause for celebration. Recommended to faith practitioners of all stripes. With a substantial "Annotated Interfaith Resources" section.

Jonathan Swift: His Life and His World

Irish history buffs and literati alike will need to read this work.

The Glass Slipper: Women and Love Stories

This is a decidedly scholarly work with substantial notes and an extensive select bibliography, yet it is not out of reach for the layperson and those interested in the impact of D.H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterly's Lover on the most recent season of The Bachelorette and how both have affected women's views of themselves, both in and out of love.

In Translation: Translators on Their Work and What It Means

An obvious choice for writers and readers interested in translations; challenging but also accessible to the nonacademic reader.

Persona: A Biography of Yukio Mishima

This is an essential addition to all collections with a strong emphasis on world literature and Japanese history, and for English-reading students of 20th-century Japanese literature. Extensive notes and bibliography support this volume's research value.

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