OrangeReviewStarWith 11 chapters on historical eras and three more on sports, music, and entertainment, this resource divides American history into easy-to-understand parts that mirror how the subject is taught in secondary schools and junior colleges. A further dividing of those chapters into 92 thematic sections with three to 15 topics each will further help users to comprehend their curricular content. Question-and-answer pairs range from a short paragraph to almost two pages in length each, and helpfully discuss the treatment of minority groups and women over time in this country. Some black-and-white photographs are included and a few maps show where the country was in its development in the chapters covering eras before 1912. The 19-page index will help the user to find material quickly and the material is also supplemented by a time line, annotated lists of states and presidents, and the text of the U.S. Constitution. The American Heritage Encyclopedia of American History, the Oxford Companion to U.S. History, and The New York Public Library American History Desk Reference all cover similar detail but none offers the question-and-answer format of this work. VERDICT While this source is aimed at students, general users will find it useful, too; it is suitable for both the ready reference and the circulating sections of public libraries.—Ann West LaPrise, Huron Sch. Dist., New Boston, MI
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