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Isaac Bashevis Singer: Writings on Yiddish and Yiddishkayt; A Spiritual Reappraisal, 1946–1955

A wonderful collection by an expert storyteller, in a translation that lends vibrancy to the essays. Ideal for readers interested in Jewish studies and literature.


When Work Hurts: Building Resilience When You’re Beat Up or Burnt Out

This book is a timely, uplifting resource that speaks to both the heart and mind. With a deep understanding of Scripture and descriptions about her journey, Herr expertly helps readers who want to integrate faith into their professional lives and navigate workplace challenges to reclaim a sense of purpose and hope.

Sister, Sinner: The Miraculous, Scandalous Story of Aimee Semple McPherson

Readers who enjoy richly detailed biographies that read like fiction will appreciate Hoffman’s latest. Many will note comparisons to modern televangelists and women religious leaders.


The Unbiased Self: The Psychology of Overcoming Cognitive Bias

A well-written and generally useful title for understanding and overcoming cognitive biases, for readers of Christian faith or who want to know more about Christian beliefs.

For I Have Sinned: The Rise and Fall of Catholic Confession in America

O’Toole’s thorough book provides an intriguing commentary on the evolution of the religious ritual known as confession and perceptions about what is moral and right, then and now. Recommended for religion collections.


Milestone Documents of Christianity: Exploring the Essential Primary Sources

These volumes serve as a rich resource for understanding Christianity’s evolution and influence as Stuart guides readers through Christianity’s impact across centuries and continents. Useful for all levels of scholars on this subject.

Black Woman Grief: A Guide to Hope and Wholeness

This excellent book skillfully showcases Smith’s method for identifying and healing from grief and finding wholeness. It can be read individually or as a study group. Each chapter opens with a quote by an accomplished Black woman, covers an issue that Black women face, infuses God’s Word, provides solutions, and ends with an encouraging letter to Black women.

Lit Up with Love: Becoming Good-News People to a Gospel-Starved World

This work can easily be used for individual and ministry training. In each chapter, specific characteristics of God are explained and demonstrated, followed by a listing of holy habits, reflection questions, and prayers.

Easter: The Season of the Resurrection of Jesus

A learned, heady Easter reflection.
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