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The Heartbreak Years: A Memoir

Listeners will relate to the sticky situations the author gets into, as well as the moments when she realizes she’s fallen short and must work to redeem herself.

Rental Person Who Does Nothing: A Memoir

Morimoto’s quirky debut perfectly captures the idea that what may be nothing to one person could be full of meaning for another. A charming, tender memoir.

Trailer Park Parable: A Memoir of How Three Brothers Strove To Rise Above Their Broken Past, Find Forgiveness, and Forge a Hopeful Future

A tale of perseverance and resilience, Zed’s memoir will resonate deeply with fans of his other work, offering a compelling glimpse into the human spirit’s capacity for growth and redemption amid adversity.

Legacy: A Black Physician Reckons with Racism in Medicine

From start to finish, this is an excellently executed audio primer on the devastating consequences of structural injustices and the importance of enacting better care for people most in need.

A Long Way Home: A Memoir

An uplifting story of resilience and one young man’s determined search for the family he lost long ago. Recommended for listeners who enjoyed Nicole Chung’s All You Can Ever Know or Jenny Heijun Wills’s Older Sister, Not Necessarily Related.

The French Ingredient: Making a Life in Paris One Lesson at a Time

A memoir for foodies, travel enthusiasts, or entrepreneurs, and an especially fitting recommendation for expatriates who need inspiration in their new home.

Between Two Trailers: A Memoir

In this stunning story of resilience and strength, Trent shares how she overcame her fraught upbringing without losing her love for her home and her family.

No Judgment: Essays

Though Oyler clearly can speak to a specific cultural moment, lackluster narration and a tedious level of self-referentiality make this an optional purchase for most libraries.

Mother Island: A Daughter Claims Puerto Rico

Figueroa crafts a compelling story about culture and heritage based on childhood memories and adult reflections on her mother’s efforts to make the mainland of the United States her adopted home.
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