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Ian Fleming: The Complete Man

A captivating account of Fleming’s covert operations during World War II and his Bond-like personal life. Recommended for history buffs, particularly those with an interest in WWII espionage.

The Vanishing of Carolyn Wells: Investigations into a Forgotten Mystery Author

Mystery lovers will thoroughly enjoy this captivating account.

Zora Neale Hurston

An excellent mix of biography and literary criticism, this book is recommended for both academic and public libraries.

Dear Readers and Riders: The Beloved Books, Faithful Fans, and Hidden Private Life of Marguerite Henry

Legions of fans will be enthralled by this biography of a beloved children’s author. Essential for all public and academic libraries.

The Vanishing of Carolyn Wells

Recommended for literature and women’s history collections as an excellent example of determined and focused accomplishment.

The Design of Books: An Explainer for Authors, Editors, Agents, and Other Curious Readers

This title illuminates all that goes into producing and designing a book. A must for authors, editors, designers, and curious readers. Give to those who enjoyed ABC for Book Collectors by John Carter and Nicolas Barker. They’ll love this book too.

Greasepaint Puritan: Boston to 42nd Street in the Queer Backstage Novels of Bradford Ropes

A well-researched and thorough illumination of a writer who deserves to be better known. For fans, performers, and creators of musical theater.

The Lede: Dispatches from a Life in the Press

Perfect for those interested in journalism and readers of the New Yorker. This work also offers older readers and Trillin’s longtime fans a chance to reminisce.

Somerset Maugham and the Cinema

Comprehensive and admirably researched, this is a welcome addition to literature and cinema studies collections.
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