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101 Tips for a Zero-Waste Kitchen

This highly recommended resource takes a holistic view of food waste. It asserts and demonstrates that reducing food waste also lowers packaging, plastic, budgetary wastes, which, in turn, minimizes people’s environmental footprints.

BLK MKT Vintage: Reclaiming Objects and Curiosities That Tell Black Stories

This one-of-a-kind monograph will inspire readers to cherish and curate their own collections.

The Gardening Book: An Accessible Guide to Growing Houseplants, Flowers, and Vegetables for Your Ideal Garden

An informative, attractive book that covers an extensive range of gardening techniques.

Southern Get-Togethers: A Guide to Hosting Unforgettable Gatherings

A perfect guide for planning gatherings of any size; great for any collection.

The Hostess Handbook: A Modern Guide to Entertaining

A great choice for both new and experienced party hosts.

Grace Rose Farm Garden Roses: The Complete Guide to Growing & Arranging Spectacular Blooms

A tremendous, captivating resource for rose gardeners. This eye-catching book will look great on seasonal displays about gardening.

Garden Wonderland: Create Life-Changing Outdoor Spaces for Beauty, Harvest, Meaning, and Joy

What makes this book consequential is its sensibility and purpose. There are a number of outstanding books on building gardens, but the intentionality of this stands out. It is a title librarians should consider a part of a core collection.

The Book of Wild Flowers: Reflections on Favorite Plants

This cheerful, whimsical, eminently browsable book will appeal to nature lovers, gardeners, artists, and readers who enjoy botanical art meshed with engaging narration.

Life in the Garden

Readers seeking inspiration will find it here, in color palettes, shapes, concepts of order and more naturalized spaces, and curated beauty.

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