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Survival Gardening: Grow Your Own Emergency Food Supply, from Seed to Root Cellar

A nonintimidating introduction to short- and long-term food plans and gardening techniques that will help readers develop their emergency food supply plan.

The Money-Saving Garden Year: A Month-by-Month Guide to a Great Garden That Costs Less

The sound, money-saving ideas boil down to planting seeds, whether collected or purchased, dividing plants, and making cuttings using numerous methods.

What the Chicken Knows: A New Appreciation of the World’s Most Familiar Bird

Montgomery’s expertise as a naturalist and fluid writing style combine for an engaging and eye-opening read. For all collections.

Quiet Beauty: The Japanese Gardens of North America

A gorgeous, informative, browsable book for armchair travelers, vacation planners, and readers interested in North American Japanese-style gardens and their history.

The Texas Native Plant Primer: 225 Plants for an Earth-Friendly Garden

This lovely, browsable, wide-ranging, authoritative book will be relished by Texas gardeners of all experience levels. It’s perfect for readers who are looking for plant suggestions so that they can design or expand their own gardens with native species.

The Curious Kitchen Gardener: Uncommon Plants and How To Eat Them

Perhaps this will be the nudge that less-confident cooks will need to try something new. Recommended for readers seeking new options in both their gardens and their kitchens.

Pollinators of the American West: A Field Guide to Over 300 Invertebrate Pollinators

Full of insightful information for readers wishing to learn more about pollinators, this field guide is a valuable resource. It will especially delight entomology and ecology enthusiasts, along with residents of the western regions of the U.S. and Canada who are curious about the pollinating insects that live in their area.

Home Design Recipes: Room by Room Recipes for Design

A great discovery for readers who are starting to design their homes or beginning an update. For all collections where interior-design books circulate well.
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