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Proxy Mom: My Experience with Postpartum Depression

A piercing, straightforward summation of the challenges faced when carving out one’s identity as a parent.

The (Good) Food Solution: A Shame-Free Nutritional Journey to Food Freedom, Spiritual Nourishment, and Whole-Body Health

Most of the recommendations offered in this book are not new to readers concerned about their weight and health. But this title packages wellness culture as a virtue, which could be dangerous if readers do not also seek help from medical professionals.

The Centered Heart: Evidence-Based, Mind-Body Practices To Stress Less and Improve Cardiac Health

An excellent starting point for those of all abilities and in all walks of life looking to create habits that support their cardiac and spiritual health.

Burn: The Burn Boot Camp 5-Step Strategy for Inner and Outer Strength

With its collection of client testimonials and repeated use of the branded language (the Burn Strategy), at times the book reads like an advertisement, but the exercises, strategies, and meals in it are effectively described and laid out in a way that will make it easy for readers to create training and nutrition plans aligned with their goals.

Accessible Ashtanga: An All-Levels Guide to the Primary and Intermediate Series

This valuable addition to the literature on inclusive fitness is a carefully conceived and well-laid-out guide to Ashtanga yoga. It encourages practitioners of all levels to view yoga as a key to unlocking their bodies, changing a practice that might previously have been closed to them because of their race, gender, class, ability, or size.

The Glow Code: A Cheat Sheet for Feeling, Looking, and Being Your Best at Any Age

A number of the skin care and makeup products recommended by here will be too expensive for some readers. However, this book also offers actionable advice and helpful tips on aging with grace and gratitude.

The Full-Body Fat Fix: The Science-Based 7-Day Plan To Cool Inflammation, Heal Your Gut, and Build a Healthier, Leaner You!

This book provides sound advice about eating more plants, avoiding processed foods, and adopting other health-promoting behaviors, but it doesn’t offer a lot of new information.


Dark Calories: How Vegetable Oils Destroy Our Health and How We Can Get It Back

This book contains some intriguing conclusions about seed oils, but not all the arguments to turn readers away from them are proven.


A Surgeon and a Maverick: The Life and Pioneering Work of Magdi Yacoub

A remarkable biography of a gifted surgeon whose professional journey took off at a time when many his age were already looking back on their careers. Yacoub’s story embodies what one determined individual can do by pushing boundaries and advocating for those in need.
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