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The Rescuers: The Remarkable People Who Saved World Heritage

Well written, a little short, and sparsely illustrated, this is nevertheless a singular volume about an intriguing subject, narrated by an insider. Readers will feel markedly better after reading about archaeologists’, preservationists’, and the general public’s care and responsibility for preserving world heritage.

The Twilight of Bohemia: Westbeth and the Last Artists of New York

With skillful writing and a fascinating story, this book is a great example of using local history as a preview of what the world can be. A welcome addition to most libraries.

Women Architects at Work: Making American Modernism

This book models the research and scholarship needed to more fully represent women in the history of architecture. The result is a richer story of both women in architecture and modernism in the United States.

I’m Not Your Muse: Uncovering the Overshadowed Brilliance of Women Artists & Visionaries

This provides a delightful touching off point that is sure to pique curiosity and initiate a deeper dive by readers.

Pink: The History of a Color

A profusely illustrated in-depth history of interest to students of art and art history.

A Short History of Black Craft in Ten Objects

The short and easy-to-read nature of this book makes it accessible to a wide general audience. Lovers of history and its relation to arts and crafts won't want to put it down.

Chanel: The Allure of Makeup

Readers will appreciate the attentive artistic details of this part makeup-design chronicle/part biography, and in it, will learn more about fashion and makeup history along with details of Chanel’s life.

The Picture Not Taken: On Life and Photography

For readers who enjoy the particular pleasures, insights, and discoveries that the essay form offers.

Life Dances On: Robert Frank in Dialogue

The informative text and numerous examples of Frank’s work reveal the artist beyond his early, best-known images.
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