Unbroken Glass

57 min. Dinesh Das Sabu, dist. by Grasshopper Film c/o Kartemquin, www.kartemquin.com. 2017. DVD $375. Public performance; home version $24.95. PSYCH
The mystery of schizophrenia has baffled researchers, its victims, and their loved ones for ages. Pinpointing the causes has proven elusive, despite some clues that there may be connections between the condition and such factors as genetics and possibly the stress of acculturation. In this documentary, filmmaker Sabu wants to know if these links led to his widowed Indian immigrant mother's suicide after being diagnosed with the disease, leaving him and his four siblings orphaned at a young age. Determining the causes of her illness and death and trying to learn whether the Sabu children carry the potential for being similarly afflicted provide the basis of this highly personal cinematic odyssey. However, as earnestly intentioned as this material is, the film sometimes lacks focus in pursuing its destination, leaving viewers somewhat unsure as to its true purpose, despite an obvious wealth of heartfelt emotion and revelation.
VERDICT A noble but occasionally frustrating attempt to unlock a mental health mystery.
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