Author (
Against Happiness: In Praise of Melancholy) and professor (English, Wake Forest Univ.) Wilson suggests nearly 100 ways to enhance one’s life and “release your inner weird.” Readers will enjoy the references to great philosophers, authors, and artists and the exercises geared to develop “weirdness” and hone one’s skills. From creating a shadowbox to constructing a curvilinear terrarium, the exercises utilize mostly found or created objects, but the author does require readers to record their progress in a journal or notebook. Full of fascinating facts, the title has a resources page for readers to learn more about a quote or nugget of knowledge. This book is not just a fun read; it could also be used for educational purposes. Many of the exercises throughout foster creativity and imagination. Some could even function as writing prompts for teachers or professors to use in creative writing classes.
VERDICT From start to finish, this book has great re-readability and a fun voice. Highly recommended for bibliophiles and those who want to break a little right-brain sweat.
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