Clarkson Potter

90 Articles

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Salsa Daddy: Dip Your Way into Mexican Cooking

A solid volume featuring an expansive take on Mexican cooking, with stunning photographs. A good addition for all collections and one that will stand the test of time.


America’s Most Iconic Ice Creams: A Salt and Straw Cookbook

A straightforward cookbook that will delight, surprise, and inspire.

The Choi of Cooking: Flavor-Packed, Rule-Breaking Recipes for a Delicious Life

A sensible and approachable collection that encourages healthier eating and makes home cooks feel like they have a mentor showing them the way.


Salt Sugar MSG: Recipes and Stories from a Cantonese American Home

A beautiful work that adds another layer to the growing realm of global cuisine cookbooks.

Ghana to the World: Recipes and Stories That Look Forward While Honoring the Past

An important and thoughtful exploration of the West African culinary diaspora.

Pour Together: 2-Ingredient Cocktails To Meet Every Mood

A fun volume for cocktail makers looking for something new to try or reminders to revisit an old favorite.

Syme’s Letter Writer: A Guide to Modern Correspondence About (Almost) Every Imaginable Subject of Daily Life, with Odes to Desktop Ephemera and Selected Letters of Famous Writers

The balance between Victorian aesthetics and modern wit is perfect, making this an entertaining and convincing affirmation of the value of snail mail today.

Symon’s Dinners Cooking Out: 100 Recipes That Redefine Outdoor Cooking

While this may be a little daunting for inexperienced cooks, it is a must-have for ambitious foodies who love to grill. A fun addition to any library collection.

We the Pizza: Slangin’ Pies and Savin’ Lives

A place should be made on all shelves for this deft book about food creativity and social justice.

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