Rachel Kamin

17 Articles

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The Extra

One of Israel's preeminent writers continues to reflect on Jewish identity in Israel as well as the changing makeup of the Israeli family...

Two She-Bears

Shalev depicts Israeli rural life and history from the time of the British Mandate for Palestine in 1922 to the present...


Oz is an iconic cultural figure and one of the most celebrated writers in Israel; his work has been published in more than 40 languages...

All the Rivers

This beautifully written and complex novel about a love affair between an Israeli woman and a Palestinian man who meet in New York City in 2003 won the Bernstein Prize, but Israel's Education Ministry attempted to ban the book, fearful that it would encourage intermarriage...

Enchanted Islands

Drawing on the memoir of Frances Conway, this fascinating and well-written fictionalized account follows the daughter of Jewish immigrants as she runs away as a teenager from Minnesota to Chicago and then on to Nebraska and San Francisco where she eventually lands a secretarial job working for Navy intelligence...

The Secret Book of Kings

Filled with intrigue, romance, and rebellion, this biblical epic recounts the story of Michal, daughter of King Saul and discarded wife of King David...

Have I Got a Story for You: More Than a Century of Fiction from the Forward

Starting in 1897 in New York City, the Forward is the most renowned Yiddish-language newspaper in the world...

. Game of Queens: A Novel of Vashti and Esther

Reference librarian Edghill (Wisdom's Daughter; Delilah) reimagines the life of Vashti, one of the most beautiful women in the Persian empire, who lost her crown when she defied her husband, King Ahasuerus...

City of Secrets

Setting his latest novel in post-World War II Jerusalem, master storyteller O'Nan (West of Sunset) focuses on the Jewish underground movement during Israel's fight for independence...

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