Michael Dashkin

125 Articles

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A Book About Ray

A comprehensive survey with intelligent, thoughtful readings of key works, for both newcomers and those already familiar with Johnson’s art.

Collaboration: A Potential History of Photography

An invigorating alternative to traditional ways of understanding the history of photography.

Fascinating Photobooks | Photography Roundup

Reclaim the Street: Street Photography’s Moment

Those who thought they’d seen everything in street photography will find new themes and insights; newcomers will be introduced to photography that is thrilling for its inventiveness, creativity, and humanism.

Yevonde: Life and Colour

With color photography the norm today, it’s fascinating to learn about the work and life of an artist who helped launch color photography.

Artists in Residence: Downtown New York in the 1970s

Recommended for its immediacy, this personal reminiscence tells readers what 1970s New York was like.

Called to the Camera: Black American Studio Photographers

Enhances understanding of an aspect of American photography not well enough understood until now.

Another Country: British Documentary Photography Since 1945

Those interested in documentary photo trends encompassing the UK and beyond will value this title.

Film Noir Portraits

Fans of the genre will delight, as will photographers and graphic designers who value the style of the era.

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