Larry Schwartz

14 Articles

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Now the Cats with Jeweled Claws & Other One-Act Plays

Only for completists; not an essential purchase.

My Old Lady: Complete Stage Play and Screenplay with an Essay on Adaptation

For libraries that serve students of writing for film and stage.

The Oldest Boy: A Play in Three Ceremonies

Ruhl's play has the potential to be a very satisfying and rewarding production.

The Best Plays of 2014

A solid collection practitioners will find useful for study as well as for production. One hopes that the perfect binding will hold up to repeated use.

Plays for Two

Readers won't find a better deal with more pleasurable plays anywhere else. Essential for academic libraries as well as for high school seniors who are serious about going to college and majoring in theater.

Theresa Rebeck Complete Plays. Vol. 4: 2007–2012

An essential purchase even for institutions that don't have the other volumes of Rebeck's complete plays, as it will serve as an excuse for acquiring those other texts. College, amateur, semi-pro, and professional groups will find a lot of great material in this collection.

Toussaint Louverture: The Story of the Only Successful Slave Revolt in History

This work would be difficult to stage these days (it boasts an especially large cast), but it should not be ignored by groups that can marshal the resources. Historians of the Caribbean will find it essential.

The Tragedy of Mister Morn

Necessary in order to complete the Nabokov collection but of secondary importance otherwise. Those seeking new monologs for auditions or competitions will find it useful.

The Incident at Antioch/L'Incident D'Antioche: A Tragedy in Three Acts/Tragédie en Trois Actes

For French and/or philosophy departments but not for the stage.

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