Kathleen McCallister

138 Articles

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The Secret Public: How Music Moved Queer Culture from the Margins to the Mainstream

This title is not merely essential for any collection on popular music or queer history. Savage’s ability to turn a wealth of information into a compellingly readable narrative should make this volume of interest to readers of all stripes.

Mitzi Gaynor: Her Life and Career

Gaynor’s recent passing and the lack of other biographies on her should generate some interest in this volume, but it is primarily a surface-level recounting of her life and work.

Nora Ephron at the Movies: A Visual Celebration of the Writer and Director Behind ‘When Harry Met Sally,’ ‘You’ve Got Mail,’ ‘Sleepless in Seattle,’ and More

A solid pick for public libraries. Devotees of Ephron will find this volume delightful to delve into, while casual cinephiles will enjoy it as a thoughtful analysis of an influential writer-director and her various legacies.

Joanna Hogg

A thoroughly useful text for cinema scholars plumbing the depths of Hogg’s work and a strong addition to UI’s “Contemporary Film Directors” series.

Blues Mamas and Broadway Belters: Black Women, Voice, and the Musical Stage

A deep dive offering a valuable perspective to readers interested in the history of Black women vocalists.

I Love Romcoms and I Am a Feminist: A Manifesto in 100 Romcoms

A colorful, breezy collection that will give rom-com lovers a passel of new titles to check out while also encouraging them to take a closer look at the elements that make up their familiar favorites.

Mae West and Her Adonises

A thorough collection of Mae West–related press materials, photographs, advertisements, and more on a rarely documented part of her career. Will likely appeal to West devotees and researchers.

I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This: (But I’m Going To Anyway)

Energetic and revealing, this title will surely please Devantez’s listeners and fans. Aficionados of tragicomic, gossip-tinged memoirs will like it too.

Hollywood Sex Comedies, 1953–1964: A Critical Analysis of 25 Films

Classic-movie fans will find this an entertaining overview of the genre and probably some of their favorite films. Some may even add one or several new titles to their to-watch list.

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