Gary, Codi

3 Articles

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A Cat Café Christmas

Cat owners and fans of Hallmark Channel movies will relish snuggling up to read this novel during the holiday season, but some romance readers may find that there isn’t enough spice to balance the sugary sweetness.

Things Good Girls Don't Do

Katie is the beautiful beauty queen; Chase is the man from the wrong side of the tracks. But together, they make perfection! Gary's ("The Trouble with Sexy" in Kiss Me: An Avon Valentine's Day Anthology) second tale set in Rock Canyon is a captivating romance that is the perfect read for a day at the beach, a cozy bed late at night, or flying through the sky.

Kiss Me

Readers will commiserate with the characters' contempt for Valentine's Day, but these three charming stories will change the hearts of even the most hardened cynics.

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