Winder, Elizabeth

3 Articles

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Parachute Women: Marianne Faithfull, Marsha Hunt, Bianca Jagger, Anita Pallenberg, and the Women Behind the Rolling Stones

This feminist look at the history of the women of the Rolling Stones would make an excellent addition to collections looking to round out its offerings on rock and women’s history.

Marilyn in Manhattan: Her Year of Joy

This "Marilyn studies" entry provides second- or third-hand observations and too much filler. Readers would do better going to the primary sources or looking at photo studies, such as Eve Arnold's Marilyn Monroe or Greene's posthumously published Milton's Marilyn.

Pain, Parties, Work: Sylvia Plath in New York, Summer 1953

Winder poignantly captures a snapshot of a time that directly inspired one of Plath's most famous works. She also captures Plath as bright, vivacious, and even brittle. For fans, particularly devotees of The Bell Jar.

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