Display Shelf | Vegan Cookbooks

Trying Veganuary or resolving to eat less meat? Here are dozens of new cookbooks to check out.

Trying Veganuary or resolving to eat less meat? Here are dozens of new cookbooks to check out. The full list is available here.

Big Vegan Flavor by Nisha Vora, My Vegan Kitchen by Dunja Gulin, Sugar Taco at Home by Jayde Nicole, Nia Gatica Campos, and Alan Campos, Plant Feasts by Frankie Paz, I Love You by Pamela Anderson, The Vibrant Hong Kong Table by Christine Wong, Simple Goodness by Makini Howell, The Ultimate Plant-Based Cookbook by Sarah Cobacho, The Ikaria Way by Diane Kochilas, Vegan Japan by Julia Boucachard, Island Vegan by Lloyd Rose, PlantYou Scrappy Cooking by Carleigh Bodrug

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