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False Dawn: The New Deal and the Promise of Recovery, 1933–1947

An important work for people involved with public policy or for general readers who are staying current on the possibility of future recessions.


The Banks We Deserve: Reclaiming Community Banking for a Just Economy

A fresh take on banking that will show readers how credit unions and community banks can improve the social, economic, and environmental situations of the people they serve.

The Licensing Racket: How We Decide Who Is Allowed To Work, and Why It Goes Wrong

Allensworth gives readers accessible descriptions of the professional licensing process and attendant problems. She explains the reasons for caring about this weighty topic and suggests solutions.

Labor’s Partisans: Essential Writings on the Union Movement from the 1950s to Today

A fascinating glimpse into the evolution of Dissent’s discourse around labor and an excellent addition to collections.


99% Perspiration: A New Working History of the American Way of Life

An articulate critique of rags-to-riches mythology and government policies about labor in the United States.

Industrial Policy for the United States: Winning the Competition for Good Jobs and High-Value Industries

This is a rich, thought-provoking study that will appeal to readers interested in the practicalities of public policy.

The Icarus Curse: How Western Democracies Derailed and How To Get Back on Track

Nuanced, yet filled with accessible arguments backed by considerable research, data, and personal experience, this highly recommended and insightful title is well worth readers’ time. It calls for democracies to make the choices that will yield positive results for its citizens.

Pay the People: Why Fair Pay Is Good for Business and Great for America

This impressive, must-read title shines a light on and adds critical insight to an important and pressing issue. It is a rebuke, a manifesto, and an evidence-based argument all rolled into one. For business owners and workers alike.

The Hidden Globe: How Wealth Hacks the World

This useful title exposes how the rules are often different for the wealthy and powerful.
170 articles

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