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What Had Happened Was

This collection demands attention and introspection by offering a raw yet eloquent portrayal of the intersections of history, identity, and systemic oppression. It’s an essential read for people seeking to honor the complexity of the experiences of Black Americans.


Water, Water: Poems

Collins’s latest collection of observational, witty poems will please his fan base, his flat narration notwithstanding.


Selected Poems of Philip Lamantia, 1943–1966

Lamantia helped spark a revolution in American letters, only to be eclipsed by those he influenced. Although his weighty posthumous Collected Poems, published in 2013, is definitive, this landmark selection offers a potent dosage, easily pocketed by anyone headed “out into the world to watch the cataclysm begin.”


Just About Anything: New and Selected Poems

Poised at the threshold of surprise, Aaron’s poems relax into a kind of domestic surrealism that’s both insightful and humorous, yet immediately recognizable, “asking / questions no one can answer / but asking anyway.”


The Home Child

A powerful book (winner of Britain’s Writers’ Prize for Poetry in 2023, as well as the Writers’ Prize for overall Book of the Year) that will linger with readers long after the last word.

The Anthology of Black Mountain College Poetry

Well thought-out, the selections in this anthology beautifully introduce readers to this special college and to poets deserving of high praise and appreciation.

Us from Nothing

The poet ably captures and illuminates the most significant moments of the complex, often tragic, past that have shaped the present. As this book moves from ancient to modern times, poetic richness gives way to the more conventional narrative, reflecting the loss of wonder and mystery inherent in the saga itself.

Best Poetry of 2024


Ten Indian Classics

This anthology delivers a profound exploration of history, literature, and emotions, but it requires some understanding of India’s many cultures to fully appreciate its depth. Still, it’s a rewarding read for those willing to engage with its complexities and dive into the worlds it explores.
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