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On the Hippie Trail: Istanbul to Kathmandu and the Making of a Travel Writer

Steves’s journal offers a window into time, before travel through the greater Middle East became vastly more complicated. Recommended for Steves’s fans and armchair travelers.

Civil Sights: Sweet Auburn, a Journey Through Atlanta’s National Treasure

An excellent Black history title, definitely for Southern libraries, but also a welcome choice for collections focused on the civil rights movement and a fun teaching aid.

Cats of the World

An engaging text accompanied by beautiful photographs in which the wonderful settings are secondary to the multitude of cats to swoon over. Best for animal lovers and supporters.

Accidentally Wes Anderson: Adventures

In this charming collection, the pleasure is in the view, delivered with all the quirky, stylistic, color-saturated wonder an Anderson fan could want.

50 Best Adventures on Earth

Of limited use to travelers planning adventures.

Out East from Above: An Aerial View of the South Fork

New York–area libraries with larger travel sections already established will find this a beautiful addition for their patrons to browse through. This book can also be valuable for readers interested in landscape aerial photography.

The World Atlas of Honey

The writing assumes some scholarly knowledge, so readers may need a thesaurus at times, but the creative and descriptive terms will appeal to most readers. The photography and layout of the book make this work absolutely fascinating.

Europe by Eurail 2024: Touring Europe by Train

Whether a rail pass will save money is completely dependent on the trip one plans to take, but anyone who enjoys reading the website The Man in Seat Sixty-One will thrill to this guide for its train-centric approach. Even those not as enamored of train travel will find the base city/day trip concept of use when planning their own vacation.

Hiking Central Florida: A Guide to the Area’s Greatest Hiking Adventures

Readers will appreciate this highly informative guide to hiking safely in the Sunshine State.
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