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Roots and Rhythm: A Life in Music

Peacock’s lyrical writing will draw readers in and keep them interested. This memoir will appeal to those interested in one man’s experiences in several contemporary music spaces.

The Guitar Repair Book: A Practical Guide to Repairing and Maintaining Acoustic and Classical Guitars

An indispensable resource for any musician or budding luthier getting serious about acoustic or classical guitars.

Lorne: The Man Who Invented ‘Saturday Night Live’

Add this to the top of the pile of SNL tomes, just in time for the show’s 50th anniversary.

Cher: The Memoir, Part One

A polished, thoughtful, and wildly entertaining audiobook with outstanding narrators.

Damn Glad To Meet You: My Seven Decades in the Hollywood Trenches

A top-shelf audiobook production from a well-known actor and director with the staying power and talent needed to navigate the fickle Hollywood realm.

The Money School: 12 Simple Lessons To Master Financial Markets and Investing

This is the perfect guide for readers ready to move from balancing their checkbook to investing in the stock market and themselves. Many finance books that target women focus primarily on personal debt and overall budgeting, but this one takes a much more aggressive, ambitious approach. Highly recommended.

Woody Allen: A Travesty of a Mockery of a Sham

A fascinating, scrupulously researched, and entertaining biography.

I’ll Have What She’s Having

A funny and upbeat “live, laugh, love” message like only Handler can deliver.

On Elton John: An Opinionated Guide

Despite Restall’s Bowie asides, this is a magnificent overview of John’s music and legacy; an excellent addition to the plethora of music criticism.

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