Black Woman Grief: A Guide to Hope and Wholeness

IVP. Feb. 2025. 192p. ISBN 9781514009642. pap. $18. SPIRITUALITY
Everyone experiences grief, but Smith’s (Can You Just Sit with Me??) new book spotlights and acknowledges the higher level of grief that Black women experience in the United States. Her book discusses the challenges that many Black women face that are beyond their control. For example, this work explains that Black women often experience grief from the womb due to the disparities that they face in the health care system. Smith dismantles the myth of the strong Black woman and reveals that due to a lack of resources and support, they generally suffer more from mental health issues than other demographics and often do not receive the professional help they need. Smith is also candid about her own story and faith; she shares the transformative day she responded to an altar call to accept Jesus Christ during a gospel concert.
VERDICT This excellent book skillfully showcases Smith’s method for identifying and healing from grief and finding wholeness. It can be read individually or as a study group. Each chapter opens with a quote by an accomplished Black woman, covers an issue that Black women face, infuses God’s Word, provides solutions, and ends with an encouraging letter to Black women.
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