Tiny Reparations

6 Articles

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Fearless and Free: A Memoir

This dialogue with Baker revels in her poetic and often humorous way of speaking. Pair with Chris Chase and Jean-Claude Baker’s authoritative biography Josephine Baker: The Hungry Heart.

Holler, Child: Stories

Watkins expands her grasp with stories that are distinctive yet create an indivisible, propulsive whole, and readers will be hard-pressed to put the book down.

Plantains and Our Becoming: Poems

Deeply moving and personal while also celebrating Black Latina history and informing readers urgently needing to be educated, Marte’s book is a wonderful addition to any collection.

The Body Liberation Project: How Understanding Racism and Diet Culture Helps Cultivate Joy and Build Collective Freedom

This book will appeal to readers, particularly women, who are familiar but not extremely well-versed in topics of or relating to diet culture and social justice

What the Fireflies Knew

Harris has chosen to tell the story entirely through a child’s eyes, without the imposition of an omniscient narrator or an adult KB looking back. This means that the reader is sometimes several steps ahead of her and frustrated or fearful of where her naivete will lead her. But KB’s wide-eyed honesty also helps her more-jaded elders progress toward reconciliation. Appropriate for both YA and adult collections.

Please Don’t Sit on My Bed in Your Outside Clothes: Essays

Robinson has written her best book yet, and her relatable humor will have readers coming back for more.

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