
22 Articles

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Every Purchase Matters: How Fair Trade Farmers, Companies, and Consumers Are Changing the World

Rice’s stories about fair trade and conscious capitalism will prove intriguing and engaging to readers who work in international development or aspire to.

Love To Learn: The Transformative Power of Care and Connection in Early Education

Parents will appreciate this resource that aptly tackles AI and other modern challenges while sharing viable solutions, such as intergenerational living, to connect isolated children to others.

The Far Land: 200 Years of Murder, Mania, and Mutiny in the South Pacific

Presser does an able job blending Pitcairn Island’s dark present with its darker past. Travel enthusiasts and armchair explorers will find a lot to like here.

A New Deal for Cancer: Lessons from a 50 Year War

The editors have assembled an impressive array of experts, offering a range of views with varying levels of detail. Decision makers in clinical, academic, advocacy, political, and governmental positions will be interested.

Hurts So Good: The Science and Culture of Pain on Purpose

With a remarkable degree of vulnerability and a lot of research on the history of neurology, Cowart earnestly tries to explain why people voluntarily experience pain, or engage with pain in order to feel pleasure. Their engaging, easygoing writing (expect a generous serving of expletives and vivid descriptions) will either draw readers or make them turn away.

Only the Rich Can Play: How Washington Works in the New Gilded Age

Wessel has done a great deal of research and writes a fast-paced but careful account that is a major contribution to the study of the political process; readers interested in political science and economics will gain a great deal from it. Highly recommended.

Climate Chaos: Lessons on Survival from Our Ancestors

Complete with maps and illustrations, this wide-ranging historical survey is international in scope, while remaining accessible. A title for every reader, no matter their academic background.

Russia Upside Down: An Exit Strategy for the Second Cold War

Fans of The Americans, readers interested in U.S.–Russia policy, and anyone wishing to learn more about the topic will enjoy this insightful, thought-provoking book.

Awakening: #MeToo and the Global Fight for Women’s Rights

Complete with a broad selection of resources for advocacy, this call-to-action will spark the interest of aspiring activists.

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