Winstead, Ashley

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This Book Will Bury Me

Between the cheeky humor of TV’s Only Murders in the Building and the grim, psychological recasting of facts through fiction and memory (as exemplified by Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl), Winstead’s novel breathes life into stories that, the narrator hints, might be better off dead and buried.

Midnight Is the Darkest Hour

This excellent twisty thriller by Winstead (In My Dreams I Hold a Knife) is for anyone who enjoys underdog or misfit mysteries or tales of abused children seeking revenge on their abusers.

The Boyfriend Candidate

This is a fast-paced, hard-to-put-down novel whose happily-ever-after isn’t what readers will expect; it’s better.

Fool Me Once

Listeners who can get past Lee’s drama and party-girl ways will enjoy Gideon’s performance.

The Last Housewife

This explosive cautionary tale of a “podcast meets sex cult meets murder” will captivate fans of twisted psychological suspense.

In My Dreams I Hold a Knife

Though some plot points strain credulity, and most characters are thinly drawn, Winstead’s first novel successfully gets inside Jessica’s head and conveys the excitement and terror of college days.

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