Smith, Ian K.

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Eat Your Age: Feel Younger, Be Happier, Live Longer

Like many works on longevity, Smith’s leans heavily into how lifestyle contributes to aging. The actionable steps for incorporating practices into daily life may empower readers to have more nuanced conversations with their doctors about how to embrace health and strength while aging.

Wolf Point

An intriguing sequel, though it could do without some of the details of Chicago and golf; fans of Stephen Mack Jones’s “August Snow” mysteries will enjoy.

A Chronology of Film: A Cultural Timeline from the Magic Lantern to Netflix

Scholars will especially appreciate the depth of thought, and the images make this work an enjoyable browse for casual film buffs.

The Ancient Nine

There's some meat here for readers of mysteries set in academia and political thrillers, but they'll likely want more. For a similar feel, try Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason's The Rule of Four, a campus novel with a bit more danger and pulp and far more puzzles.

1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

A beautifully illustrated book of ideas for the cineast and novitiate alike, this is a must-have for every movie buff.


Author of top-spot best sellers like The Fat Smash Diet, Smith goes after folks who can't even start to diet with a stress-free regimen based on simple rules like "Whole Grains All the Time" and "Gorge at the Protein Bonanza...

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