Sancton, Tom

3 Articles

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The Last Baron: The Paris Kidnapping That Brought Down an Empire

This is an immensely readable, impeccably written, and thoroughly researched tale of a kidnapping gone wrong. Ideal for readers who enjoy biography, social, political, and cultural history.

Madhouse at the End of the Earth: The Belgica’s Journey Into the Dark Antarctic Night

Belying its sensational title, this detail-rich account is a sober and humane chronicle of relationships among the explorers and their struggle for survival in the long polar night. Armchair travelers will enjoy.

The Bettencourt Affair: The World's Richest Woman and the Scandal That Rocked Paris

There is no comparable work on the Bettencourt scandal, only interviews and articles, making this highly recommended and pleasurable read a mix of luring tabloid fare and professionally researched courtroom and political drama.

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