Palmer, Matthew

4 Articles

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Watercolour for the Absolute Beginner: 10th Anniversary Edition

Palmer’s detailed landscapes are likely to intimidate beginner artists, but the wealth of practical advice he offers should aid those who feel confident enough to try to replicate his paintings.

Painting Without Paint: Landscapes with Your Tablet

Anyone who has wondered how they could squeeze a bit of creativity out of their tablet or smartphone will enjoy this book.

The Wolf of Sarajevo

Drawing on his own experiences working for the U.S. embassy in Belgrade in 1993, Palmer (Secrets of State) has written a fast-paced, action-packed, well-plotted thriller that will more than satisfy espionage fiction fans. Although creating believable and possible real-life scenarios is a strong suit of the author's, his stint in Serbia during the worst of the conflict lends extra credibility, despite the stereotyped characters.

Secrets of State

An excellent political thriller that readers of both espionage stories and thrillers in general will enjoy. Reminiscent of Brad Meltzer's works; his fans will find much to like about Palmer.

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