Lauterbach, Preston

5 Articles

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Before Elvis: The African American Musicians Who Made the King

While Elvis generally credited gospel, R&B, and a few artists by name, he was fundamental in fusing aspects of American culture from disparate racial traditions when segregation was beginning to lift. His appropriation, explored here, remains polarizing.

Brother Robert: Growing Up with Robert Johnson

Cutting through the mythos that has long surrounded this iconic artist, this is an intriguing addition to the history of 20th-century blues.

Bluff City: The Secret Life of Photographer Ernest Withers

This fascinating glimpse behind the creation of iconic civil rights photos never quite flushes out the main thesis exploring Withers's FBI informant career. Marc Perrusquia's A Spy in Canaan offers a more thorough exploration.

Beale Street Dynasty: Sex, Song, and the Struggle for the Soul of Memphis

While sex and song (as promised in the book's subtitle) are present at times, this account is really about politics and power in a major Southern city. Recommended for all readers interested in Memphis or in African American history. [See Prepub Alert, 10/13/14.]

The Chitlin' Circuit

A great read, well written and insightful. Highly recommended to anyone interested in the seedy history of American popular music.

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