James Coan

47 Articles

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Bed-Stuy Is Burning

The author effectively creates a tense, realistic situation, and although some of the multiple narrators are occasionally long-winded, the prose is energetic, and Platzer is obviously committed to exploring these contemporary urban issues.


Greer (The Confessions of Max Tivoli; The Impossible Life of Greta Wells) is both clever and compassionate as he steers Arthur through this rough period in his life, and while the book focuses on gay men and their relationships, the search for love and meaning is universal. [See Prepub Alert, 1/28/17.]

The Invisible Mile

Related in a hypersensitive stream of consciousness, with fragmentary dialogs often between two people who don't speak the same language, this novel is compelling but slowly paced and oblique and may lose a few readers along its difficult course.

Brave Deeds

Describing the soldiers' perilous journey while filling in details of their backgrounds and the military situation in Iraq, this excellent novel is believable, dramatic, and also quite funny. [See Prepub Alert, 2/20/17.]

American War

Well written, inventive, and engaging, this relentlessly dark tale introduces a fascinating character in Sarat. Highly recommended. [See Prepub Alert, 10/24/16.]

The One Inside

Readers will get caught up in this work's many scenarios, as the observations of place and character ring true, and a world-weary resignation in the setting of vast Western landscapes permeates the narrative. [See Prepub Alert, 8/22/16.]

Ill Will

In this creepy yet fascinating work, with a bleak Ohio wintery landscape as backdrop, Chaon creates a world of tragedy, disease, and drug abuse right out of today's news and makes it real while keeping readers guessing on many levels. [See Prepub Alert, 10/3/16.]

White Tears

From the author of Gods Without Men and My Revolutions comes something different and imaginative, occasionally gloomy and affected. A stirring story of audiophiles, rare recordings, slavery, and the dangers of uncovering the past. [See Prepub Alert, 9/26/16.]

Edgar & Lucy

Flirting with danger on many fronts, this second novel from the author of the award-winning Mathilda Savitch is perceptive, compassionate, and humorous, drawing readers into the lives of these quirky yet recognizable and sympathetic characters. [See Prepub Alert, 9/19/16.]

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