Huff, Tanya

3 Articles

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Direct Descendant

The secrets under Lake Argen are chilling, the hellhounds and eldritch horrors are adorable, and the romance goes from fated to bitter to sweet in an epic climax. Highly recommended.


An Ancient Peace

Although billed as the first in a new series, this military space opera is a spin-off of Huff's "Confederation" series (last seen in The Truth of Valor)...

The Future Falls

As this is the third book in the series (after 2011's The Wild Ways), there is a lot of family history that new readers will have to catch up on. Although Huff has a habit of repeating a lot of the phrases and mannerisms of her characters and the sexual rituals hinted at are a bit off-putting, there is plenty to like about the Gale family and their squabbling, controlling matriarchs.

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