Holly Hebert

41 Articles

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The Lede: Dispatches from a Life in the Press

Perfect for those interested in journalism and readers of the New Yorker. This work also offers older readers and Trillin’s longtime fans a chance to reminisce.

The Bronx Nobody Knows: An Urban Walking Guide

Like every book in this series, this one has something for everyone, whether they are foodies, people watchers, lovers of travel and discoveries, or fans of architecture or history.

Airplane Mode: An Irreverent History of Travel

Fans of travel writing, history, and travel writing itself will find this quick read a delightful, eye-opening one that fuels more insatiable wanderlust.

The Library as Playground: How Games and Play Are Reshaping Public Culture

For lovers of gaming and libraries and those seeking to understand the intersection of play and public spaces.

The Fun Habit: How the Pursuit of Joy and Wonder Can Change Your Life

Recommended for those who are looking for more joy and fun in their lives. A solid addition to any public library.

Quiet Escapes: 50 Inspiring Destinations To Find Your Zen

Not for fans of Disney World–type vacations. Instead, selective travelers seeking refuge from all the noise of daily life may enjoy this one.

Regenerative Fashion

This book will appeal to a broad array of readers. Fans of ethical fashion, as well as those interested in sustainability, regenerative farming, minimalism, fair trade, and climate change, will all find something to love.

Using Technology in the Library Workplace: An Introduction for Support Staff

This text will be useful in LSSC programs; also a solid practical guide for anyone wishing to understand the basics of technologies used in libraries.

What We Value: Public Health, Social Justice, and Educating for Democracy

A must-read for educators, philosophers, and anyone up for wrestling with these issues.

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