Gran, Sara

4 Articles

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The Book of the Most Precious Substance

Sumptuous descriptions of expensive meals, glamorous hotels, and luxurious homes become repetitive, but Lily’s acid narration and gradual reawakening and a “be careful what you wish for” finale enhance this quest novel.

The Infinite Blacktop

Fans who have been eagerly awaiting Claire's next outing will be satisfied; newcomers are advised to read the first two books before diving into this one. Not a neat little whodunit at all, this looks at the larger mysteries of life, love, and identity, and bears rereading.

Claire DeWitt and the Bohemian Highway

Gran's (Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead) detective searches for truth, not necessarily justice, and philosophical tidbits scattered throughout give the storyline an otherworldly tone. Remarkably, Gran keeps her tortured detective focused throughout, ensuring a satisfying read. Highly recommended.

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