Daryl Grabarek

25 Articles

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Pink: The History of a Color

A profusely illustrated in-depth history of interest to students of art and art history.

Mestizaje: The Feminist Art of Kathy Sosa

A veritable feast for the eye that elucidates the comingling of contemporary and historical cultural influences in Sosa’s work. Especially recommended for libraries in border states.

Dorothea Lange: Seeing People

A focused look at Lange’s extraordinary, nearly 50-year career through the lens of her portraiture. Recommended for art and large libraries and local collections.

In the Eye of the Storm: Modernism in Ukraine, 1900–1930s

An introduction to an influential period and a diverse group of artists whose works continue to be uncovered, and whose history reverberates today.

White: The History of a Color

Thorough research and abundant illustrations characterize this sixth and final volume in Pastoureau’s scholarly series primarily of interest to art and academic libraries.

Great Women Painters

A richly rewarding overview capturing the range, depth, and accomplishments of women painters, many of whom continue to be overlooked and undervalued.

Matisse: The Red Studio

A fascinating, well-documented study of Matisse’s artistic vision, and its introduction to popular audiences, via an iconic painting.

Artisan Design: Collectible Furniture in the Digital Age

A comprehensive overview, unlikely to be supplanted anytime soon.

Cubism in Color: The Still Lifes of Juan Gris

For libraries in cities that hosted the show (Dallas; now in Baltimore until Jan. 2022) and large collections seeking a comprehensive work on an often-overlooked artist.

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