Cambridge, Colleen

7 Articles

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A Fashionably French Murder

One needn’t have read the previous books in the series to enjoy this installment, but don’t be surprised if readers want to go back and see what they missed. Come for the historical Parisian setting and mystery, stay for the food and wine.


A Murder Most French

Cozy foodie fun for fans of Rhys Bowen and Jacqueline Winspear.

A Murder Most French

Wonderfully set, characterized, and paced, this is another winner in a delightful series. Add it to sure-bet lists and suggest to readers wanting to sink into a good story.

Mastering the Art of French Murder

Highly recommended for fans of Rhys Bowen and Jacqueline Winspear.

A Trace of Poison

This audio will appeal to listeners seeking a cozy, clever historical mystery with a lively and likable leading lady. Recommended for fans of Rhys Bowen and Nicola Upson.

Mastering the Art of French Murder

Agatha Christie meets cozy mystery in this fun tale from Cambridge (“Phyllida Bright” mysteries). Historical fiction readers and fans of cozy suspense will want to add this mystery to their to-be-read pile.

A Trace of Poison

Reminiscent of Jessica Ellicott’s “Beryl & Edwina” series, this novel will please readers with its historical world and a plot that would satisfy Poirot.

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