Brooks, Terry

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Longtime fans of Brooks’s “Shannara” series will enjoy this sweeping chronicle about the origin of Paranor and its founder.

Child of Light

Brooks’s (The Last Druid) latest series launches in an exciting new world filled with juxtapositions of magic and machine, Fae and human, and introduces the one young woman who may be able to bridge the gaps.

Street Freaks

Sf fans will applaud this fast-paced thriller, which has enough espionage, mystery, and dystopian elements to satisfy readers in these related genres.

The Black

After launching one of the most popular fantasy series 40 years ago with The Sword of Shannara, Brooks concludes the "Shannara" books with this first installment of a final quartet...

The Sorcerer's Daughter

The alchemy and mystery permeating earlier "Shannara" books are no longer there, but the MTV series based on Brooks's fantasies may stir some interest.

The Darkling Child

Paxon Leah was an untried youth in High Druid's Blade, but he has now spent five years in service to the Druids...

The High Druid's Blade: The Defenders of Shannara

Interest in the series may be keen as a Shannara television series is scheduled to air on MTV in 2015. This title is strongly recommended for the multitudes of Shannara fans and anyone else who loves high fantasy with a dash of steampunk. ["High adventure, lots of action, and appealing (if stock) characters make this a comfortable traditional fantasy that will appeal to the many fans of Brooks's Shannara books," read the review of the Del Rey: Ballantine hc, LJ 1/14.]

The High Druid's Blade

High adventure, lots of action, and appealing (if stock) characters make this a comfortable traditional fantasy that will appeal to the many fans of Brooks's Shannara books. The added bonus is that this is a good place for new readers to jump into the author's world, as it includes plenty of nods to earlier books while remaining a stand-alone story.

Bloodfire Quest

Highly recommended for fantasy collections. ["Since the 1977 publication of The Sword of Shannara, the adventures of the people of the Four Lands have attracted a huge readership. The second volume of Brooks's new trilogy…continues the themes of love, duty, sacrifice, and transformation that have resonated with fantasy lovers. A strong backstory and vivid world make this a must-read for series fans," read the review of the New York Times best-selling Del Rey: Ballantine hc, LJ 12/12.—Ed.]

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