Black, Holly

5 Articles

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Book of Night

Listeners who enjoy real-world fantasy such as Leigh Bardugo’s Ninth House will delight in Black’s latest.

Book of Night

Charlie Hall is every “bad luck and worse trouble” protagonist to ever magic her way into urban fantasy. She’s desperate, she’s profane, she’s fascinating, and she kicks ass and takes names with the best antiheroes of the genre. Her world is gritty and mysterious, the stakes are always high, and the power is always tempting.


Artists on Art: How They See, Think & Create

With its particular focus on a diverse, international group of contemporary artists, this monograph will serve large public libraries, academic libraries, and museum libraries that support art programs.

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown

Young adult and adult devotees of vampire and urban fantasy will discover more than enough to sate their voracious appetites with this world of opulence, ancient social hierarchies, and reality television feeds in this essential purchase.

White Cat

Cassel Sharpe is a lot of things-a prep student, a con artist, a bookie, and possibly a murderer-but he knows that he is not a curse worker...

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